The benefits of relief veterinarians - Relief Retriever

The benefits of Relief Veterinarians

Posted: March 3, 2023

The following article in one of our favorite publications DVM360 titled The multi-faceted benefits of Relief Veterinarians is another great example of why we built Relief Retriever.

It goes in depth into what it takes to become a relief veterinarian along with the various advantages it offers to those of us in veterinary medicine. Personally, we love relief vet work. It allows for considerable flexibility in not only our schedules, but in co-workers and patients. Everyday is something new. The downsides of being a full time relief vet are obviously very real: less stability, having a supervisor, being dependent of shift availability, etc. However the upsides can be tremendous: control over our work schedule, better pay, a variety of environments, control over vacation time, control over family time, etc.

For animal hospitals, the benefits of Relief Vets are enormous. They allow you to fill vacancies, fill open shifts, service more patients and broaden your service offerings. 

Happy Dog licking Vet

Is being a relief vet for you?

Only you can answer that question. However, if you don’t mind the extra travel, becoming a relief vet can be an exceptionally rewarding way to work. Relief Retriever is here to help you build your network, whether you are a animal hospital looking for help or a Veterinarian looking to pick up shifts. If you need advise, use our network of professionals to learn more.

If you have additional ideas on how Relief Retriever can be improved to service our community, reach out to us


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